Thursday, July 27, 2006


Another day, another night.
No light, no electricity in our bedroom, bathroom, partially living room. No fan, no AC, it's hot as hell, you are in total darkness...What do you do to make you chilled?

For that, we decided to play an old game I bought couple years ago for pre-owned $8.99. Which I haven't even beaten. It's called, "SILENT HILL 2". Pretty scary game to play in the dark, the 3-D sound system is extremely creepy and realistic. The storyline is pretty disturbing as well, places filled with disfigured mannequin shaped monsters, your only light source is a flashlight. Abandoned and isolated town of Silent Hill and you are all alone. Perfect game to play during humid summer days, it will be sure to chill you down quicker then ice cream. Here in the dark realm of SILENT HILL, you will go through places like grave yard, mental hospitals, apartment buildings, and old hotel. What is basement of basement? It's somewhere you will never want to visit...The whole scene is covered with mist and darkness, and you need to find clues and go forward, opening the door and discovering what is inside to find out what really happened. It's like reading a horror book, but you are inside of it.

I think the game was made in 2001, graphics are not bad at all. Imperfect graphic also make the game more scary. It reminded me Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining (1980)" , A Masterpiece Of Modern Horror according to IMDb. I cannot play this game alone for sure, it's too scary even during daytime. - j.


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