Thursday, July 27, 2006

DUCHAMP, my man!

dododo daDADA,
that's all i want to say to you.

After the storm died down, we left for the MOMA, located 53rd street and 5th avenue. It's not that far from Apple store. It is all new, nicely renovated with new look and bigger exhibition space. The current special exhibit is DADA. What's so great about going to MOMA on Friday after 4pm? It's FREE! It is few of the things that are free in new york city. Admission is $20 per person, so why not drop by on Friday after 4pm?

DADA exhibit is not really big, located on the 6th floor.
But good size, I would say. Man Ray, Duchamp, many familiar DADAISM artist. Very intriguing and somewhat inspiring. Yes, we encountered the urinal(which he signed with the pseudonym "R. Mutt", and titled "Fountain") and the bicycle wheel on the stool. Unfortunately no photograph was allowed inside. There is a piece I liked by Duchamp. It's called TRAP, which is just a wooden coat hanger on the ground. In the description, he said that he cannot help kicking it on the ground and never had a chance to nail it on the wall. Hahaha. So who is Duchamp? He is the guy who added goatee and moustache to the famous Mona Lisa. According to his quote, "It is necessary to arrive at selecting an object with the idea of not being impressed by this object on the basis of enjoyment of any order, However, it is difficult to select an object that absolutely does not interest you, not only on the day on which you select it, and which does not have any chance of becoming attractive or beautiful and which is neither pleasant to look at nor particularly ugly." - Marcel Duchamp

MOMA was not so busy, but many tourist, students, art critics on site. Also photography exhibition was quite impressive as well, although the air conditioning kept my wet clothing on the edge, I thought I am going to freeze. - j.


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