Sunday, July 30, 2006

Not your ordinary sneaker.

"You don't just take iPod nano on your run. You let it take you. Music is your motivation. But what if you want to go further? Thanks to a unique partnership between NIKE and Apple, your iPod nano becomes your coach. Your personal trainer. Your favorite workout companion. Introducing Nike + iPod." Says Nike and Apple.

They are collaborating their technology to "tune your run. " It sounds bit crazy, I agree with you deeply but hey. They did it. Only thing is that you need to buy iPod nano, if you don't have one, and Nike+ shoes which has a built-in pocket under the insole for iPod sensor. I suppose you can do a shoe hack and make that hole under the insole. Also, you will need the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, which is basically a sensor that uses an accelerometer to measure your movement when you run and transfers this to the receiver on your iPoddie. Get it? Confused? See for yourself. It's quite interesting.

Nike also offers sport music which can sync to your steps when your running. I wonder what kind of music that is...Nike+ has many different color sneaker to choose from. Also you can checkout the progress of your running, how many miles you ran in what time. Just plug your nano to your Mac and it will give you a chart of how you did. Pretty geeky? Yes it is. You can listen to the sport music at nike+.


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